International exhibitors participating in U.S. trade shows have to be sure to identify the correct importation methods along with any special documentation required when importing to U.S. trade shows. Traveling into the U.S. to display merchandise at a trade show requires months of planning and paperwork. Here is a checklist of the following recommended items that are useful for importing trade show products for exhibiting.

Authorized Documents Detailing The Time, Date and Location of The Trade Show.
• Verification that you are an exhibitor.
• Documents signifying worth of merchandise.
• Identify items “Not for Sale” or destroy the items.
• Prior to travel contact the port of entry.
• Confirm with the administrative agency for regulations on your merchandise for required documentation and possible restrictions.
• Acquire the HTSUS code for the merchandise.
When importing trade show products for which the estimated worth is above $2500, a Carnet or a TIB Temporary Importation Bond is the choice for importing. The TIB is relevant when importing display booths and items that will not be remaining in the U.S. after the trade show has ended.
An ATA Carnet is used to import specific products into the U.S. without having to go through the usual customs formalities required when importing products through customs. An ATA Carnet allows an exhibitor to import merchandise for up to one year after the Carnets issuance. High price marketable samples, specialized equipment and advertising paraphernalia are the most commonly used for the Carnet.

Temporary Importation Bond (TIB)
Are the items classified as prohibited/restricted? Under a Temporary Importation Under Bond (TIB) entry, specific high priced marketable merchandise may be entered into the U.S. free of duty for a limited time. Merchandise admitted under a TIB is required to be re-exported or destroyed under the CBP’s supervision. The importer is accountable for paying reparation of twice the amount of the initial duty.
The original entrance period is for twelve months. This may be extended for up to three years beginning with the request to the director of the port. The director has the choice to grant the extensions or not. Bonds are set for double the amount of taxes and duties on the merchandise. When merchandise is re-exported, the entry is cancelled and merchandise destroyed.

Automobiles that come under a TIB may only remain for a period of six months if they have been imported.
The import clearance of trade show merchandise requires precise knowledge on the part of the customs broker. At AFC International we are established with the requirements for importing for trade shows in the United States and can help walk you through the necessary procedures. For more information about how we can assist your company, contact us or get a quote. AFC International, LLC
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